
15th International Conference on Ordered Statistical Data

June 11th - 14th, 2024

Dep. Mathematics, Univ. Coimbra, Portugal

OSD2024 — Abstract submission


Contributions to the conference are given by oral presentations or posters. The official language is English. Each oral presentation will have a 30 minutes time slot, including 5 minutes for questions. The abstracts of all contributions (oral presentations and posters) are due before April 30th, 2024.

Abstracts should be prepared in LaTex according to the template available here, then sent to the Organizing Committee by e-mail at osd2024@mat.uc.pt. In submitting the abstract, please specify if it refers to a poster or to a talk (also write it in the abstract). Notification of acceptance will be sent to the authors before April 15th, 2024.

Oral presentations will be arranged in Contributed Sessions and Organized Sessions.

Contributed Sessions

Individual oral presentations will be arranged in Contributed Sessions by the Scientific Committee on the basis of common topics of interest, unless the author suggests for a specific session to the Organizing Committee.

Organized Sessions

An Organized Session is a block of 3 presentations given by speakers invited by one or more organizers of the session. Organized Session proposals must be submitted by the organizer(s) to the Scientific Committee by email to osd2024@mat.uc.pt by January 31st, 2024. Required information: title of the session, name of the speakers, title of each contribution. Notification of acceptance of Organized Sessions will be sent to the organizer(s) before February 20, 2022, while abstracts of contributions are expected by March 31st, 2024.
Proposals of Organized Sessions from young researchers will be highly welcome.