Videos de Aeromodelismo
Pedro Quaresma
May 26, 1999
Os videos de momento disponíveis estão em vários formatos formatos
("Quick Time" (.mov), "MPEG" (.mpg), ou AVI (.avi)), em todos os casos
os ficheiros estão comprimidos com o programa
- Torque-Roll por Quique no Brasil
Torque-Roll, (.avi.gz, 0,5Mb).
- Um Sukhoi SU-27 ("a valer")
Sukhoi SU-27, (.mpg.gz,
- Videos produzidos por Fred
- Videos digitalizados que me foram enviados por Matthew
- Flight, (mov.gz,
2,9Mb). Digitization of a video made by Fred Herrmann. The first scene
is from a ground based camcorder showing an RC aircraft taking off in
the distance. The aircraft taking off is carrying a video down-link
and the remainder of the movie is what was seen by the camera mounted
on the aircraft. The movie is jerky at times because the frames where
the video downlink started to fade out have been removed. In the last
series of frames you can see a car driving up to the the pit area. The
film ends on approach and it appears that the aircraft crashes, but it
made a safe landing.
- Take off, (mov.gz, 0,5Mb). Just
the first few seconds of the "Flight" movie.
- Smoke, (mov.gz, 1.8Mb). A
digitization of a ground based video recorded at a flying field in
Hampton, VA USA. A Spacewalker with smoke is doing some loops and
- Flight, em formato MPEG
comprimidas com o programa gzip, 2Mg.
- Take off, em formato MPEG
comprimidas com o programa gzip, 0,4Mg.
- Smoke, em formato MPEG
comprimidas com o programa gzip, 1,1Mg.
- Um ornitóptero
- Se está curioso sobre o que são "Ornitópteros"
dê uma espiada neste vídeo, (em
formato mpeg.gz, 1,5Mg).
About MPEG files and Mpeg Video|Audio