Title: Modeling ocean mixing.
ocean is a highly inhomogeneous medium, characterized by
spatial and temporal contrasts in temperature
and salinity, as well as in chemical composition
and in the distribution of biological agents.
The inhomogeneity of the ocean, however,
is not static, but follows from a dynamical equilibrium,
in which
contrasts are permanently being created and attenuated.
Local processes that generate contrasts include evaporation
and rain,
freezing and melting of sea--ice, river inflows, and
volcanic activity. Attenuation is mainly due to mixing processes,
such as turbulent diffusion, breaking waves, and
by surface winds, ocean currents, and planetary tides
interacting with the ocean's bottom and lateral morphology.
The dynamical
equilibrium emerging from the balance of these
processes is a determining factor to the Earth's climate:
changes in the properties of the upper layers of the
ocean, in particular, can lead to significant variations
of its ice--coverage,
of local patterns of convection and rain and, ultimately,
to dramatic changes in the global patterns of surface temperature,
humidity and prevailing winds.
Yet the quantification, and even the identification of some of
the critical processes involved in this dynamical balance, remain to a large degree incomplete. The mixing side of the
balance is particularly elusive, due to its vast distribution
over whole basins, to the difficulties inherent
to its observation and measurement, to its highly anisotropic
nature, and to the incompletely understood physics of
its underlying processes, such as turbulent diffusion, shear
and convective instabilities, and wave overturning.
State-of-the-art computational ocean circulation models
typically parameterize these processes, introducing empirical
closures designed to fit as well as possible the [sparse]
available experimental and observational data.
Such an approach, driven by necessity,
may yield large errors in the prediction
of climatic changes, since the adjustment
of parameters to match features of today's climate may
fail to capture those of tomorrow's.
This course will describe
various approaches to the mathematical modeling
of ocean mixing. These include models of nonlinear turbulent
diffusion, mixing by internal breaking waves, and descriptions
of mixing based on statistical physics.