Other Activities:

We have been celebrating each year, on March 14, the International Day of Mathematics, with activities for both students and the general public:
2024: Playing with Mathematics
2023: Mathematics for Everyone
2022: Mathematics in Union with...
2022: Exhibition: Mathematics in Union with...
2022: Mathematics Unites
2021: Math Gathering.

CMUC members collaborate with the Department of Mathematics and the Portuguese Mathematical Society (SPM-Centro) in the organization and presentation of talks and workshops for students and teachers in basic and secondary schools of the Center region of Portugal.

Conversas Ímpares at the UC EXPLORATORIUM
January-March 2025: https://ucpages.uc.pt/cmuc/matematica-e-cartofilia/.

January-March 2024: https://ucpages.uc.pt/cmuc/matematica-e-obras-de-arte.

January-March 2023: https://ucpages.uc.pt/cmuc/matematica-e-filatelia.

January-March 2022: https://ucpages.uc.pt/cmuc/mat-arte-rua.

CMUC has been sponsoring at UC the annual ECMI Student Competition.

CMUC members participate, since 2001, in the project New Talents in Mathematics, of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, dedicated to skill enhancement of talented young university students at a national level. One of the aims is to provide a first contact with mathematical research. Members of CMUC have been involved in the management of the project and mentoring of students. Check here.

Tipografia Matemática na Imprensa da Universidade 1772-1934

Matemática e Poesia
CMUC members have presented several talks and activities in the annual UC Summer University.

CMUC supported the organization in Coimbra of the ENEMath meetings in 2022 and 2017.
Video ENEMath22

CMUC sponsored the Junior Statistical Award of the Portuguese Statistical Society (SPE) in 2019, 2020, 2021.


CMUC members have designed and performed many activities for general audiences in the Science Museum of the University of Coimbra: talks, workshops, conferences, exhibits, peripatetic math sessions, etc.
2022 Program

CMUC, in partnership with the Mathematics Library of the UC, joined in 2019 and 2020 the "Cientificamente Provável" Program, an initiative of the State Secretariat of Education through the School Libraries Network and the State Secretariat for Science, Technology and Higher Education.

CMUC participated with a stand with information about its research activities. Some activities of popularization of mathematics were presented.
In the news (with video)

It is a project with different strands, including, in a free online portal, multiple hypermedia tools and applications to support the teaching and learning of maths (1st, 2nd and 3rd Cycles of Basic School), a solid curricular component and materials [apps, videos, pdfs] to support teachers and parents.
General Information
Online Portal

The game "Mathematical Planet 2013" was part of the activities of the year 2013, declared by UNESCO as the International Year of "Mathematics of Planet Earth." This game has the main objective to promote scientific culture, involving schools of basic and secondary education and stimulating discussion on topics related to the mathematics of planet Earth.
The game design (1 board game, 4 levels) was preceded by a contest that served to select a set of cards, comprising challenges of four categories, included in the "mathematical planet." The game consists of the works selected under this call. A digital version of the game can be found here. A paper version was sent to all participating schools in Portuguese territory.
Webpage, Facebook
Article (in Portuguese) with the presentation of the game.



Several CMUC members have created and participate in some other projects dedicated to young people (under 14), namely: Mathematical Activities, The Zefiro's Challenges, Junior Math Olympiads, Discovery on Saturdays, Maths in the Children's Hospital, etc.
Ⓒ 2019 Centre for Mathematics, University of Coimbra, funded by