Susanna Parenti, Mrs. - Ph.D. |
Royal Observatory of Belgium, Be |
http://sidc.be/ |
Session 3 - Poster |
A prominence investigation with SOHO/SUMER |
S. Parenti, Royal Observatory of Belgium, & J.-C. Vial, IAS, CNRS - Université Paris Sud, FR |
We present results extracted from of an EUV atlas of prominence and Quiet Sun built by using SOHO/SUMER data (Parenti et al. 2005). The atlas covers the range 800 - 1250 AA, and it collects more than 400 spectral lines. The high spectral resolution of the SUMER data and the large number of lines available allow to derive the plasma parameters with high accuracy.
Here we perform a spectroscopic analysis and investigate the observed prominence properties. We derive several plasma parameters, including the non-thermal velocity and the emission measure. The main differences between prominence and Quiet Sun properties will be discussed. |
