This is the current list of the registered participants and their proposed contributions for the meeting (last updated 2006-10-08). |
J. Aboudarham, Mr. - Jean.Aboudarham obspm.fr |
• A new step in the automation of Meudon's Synoptic Map of Solar Activity |
A. Ajabshirizadeh, Mr. - a-adjab tabrizu.ac.ir, ali_ajabshir yahoo.com |
• Radiative transfer in prominence fine structures as a multicomponent atmosphere |
A. Ajao, Mr. - admin zintorium.com |
V. Andretta, Mr. - andretta oacn.inaf.it |
• Spectroscopic Measurements of Helium abundance in an Active Region |
A. L. Ariste, Mr. - arturo themis.iac.es |
• Unveiling the magnetic topology of prominences |
I. Arkhangelskaja, Mrs. - irene.belousova usa.net |
• Solar flares temporal profiles thin structure on timescales of 30-90 second in various energy bands by data of "AVS-F" apparatus onboard "Coronas-F" Satellite |
S. Batista, Mr. - sbatista mat.uc.pt |
E. H. Avrett, Mr. - avrett cfa.harvard.edu |
• New models of the solar chromosphere and transition region determined from SUMER observations |
H. Balthasar, Mr. - hbalthasar aip.de |
• The Three-dimensional Structure of Sunspots |
• GREGOR - the new German solar telescope |
L. Belluzzi, Mr. - belluzzi arcetri.astro.it |
• Spectropolarimetry of the D lines of alkali atoms |
F. Bettonvil, Mr. - F.C.M.Bettonvil astro.uu.nl |
A. Berlicki, Mr. - berlicki astro.uni.wroc.pl |
• Observations and modelling of line asymmetries in chromospheric flares |
D. Shaun Bloomfield, Mr. - bloomfield mps.mpg.de |
• Observations and Interactions of Running Waves In a Sunspot Chromosphere |
Z. F. Bostanci, Ms. - bostanci istanbul.edu.tr |
• Time evolution of mottles observed in H_alpha |
V. Bumba, Mr. - bumba asu.cas.cz |
• Regularities in the distribution of solar activity in time and on the solar surface |
J. Bureau, Mr. - jbureau lpma.jussieu.fr |
D. Callebaut, Mr. - Dirk.Callebaut ua.ac.be |
• Post-MHD and Solar Atmosphere |
M. Carlsson, Mr. - mats.carlsson astro.uio.no |
• Chromospheric Modelling |
G. Cauzzi, Mrs. - gcauzzi arcetri.astro.it |
• Acoustic shocks in the quiet chromosphere |
W. Curdt, Mr. - curdt mps.mpg.de |
• Sunspots - clouds on the Sun |
• On the unidirectionality of SUMER hot loop oscillation events: evidence for DC-heating |
C. Denker, Mr. - cdenker adm.njit.edu |
• The Synoptic Observing Program at Big Bear Solar Observatory |
M. Ding, Mr. - dmd nju.edu.cn |
• The origin of solar white-light flares |
I. Dorotovic, Mr. - dorotovic suh.sk, ivan mat.uc.pt |
• COSIS: Coimbra Observatory Solar Information System |
• A Software Tool to Estimate the N-S Asymmetry of the Bright Ca II K3 Emission Structures |
R. Erdelyi, Mr. - robertus sheffield.ac.uk |
• Trapped eigenoscillations in the lower solar atmosphere: is there a resonant coupling? |
I. Ermolli, Ms. - ermolli oaroma.inaf.it |
• Solar activity and irradiance studies with Ca II spectroheliogram time series: Potential, problems and possible solutions |
N. Farbiash, Mr. - farbiash bgu.ac.il |
• Stellar Atmospheres Structural Changes due to the Diamagnetic Effect |
J. Fernandes, Mr. - jmfernan mat.uc.pt |
B. Filippov, Mr. - bfilip izmiran.ru |
• On the Dynamic Nature of the Prolate Solar Chromosphere |
B. Fleck, Mr. - bfleck esa.nascom.nasa.gov |
• Solar Orbiter - A Mission Update |
L. Fletcher, Ms. - lyndsay astro.gla.ac.uk |
• A TRACE White Light and RHESSI Hard X-ray Study of Flare Energetics |
J. Fontenla, Mr. - juan.fontenla lasp.colorado.edu |
• Magnetic heating of the chromosphere and its relationship with long term trends |
M. A. G. Garcia, Mrs. - adriana mat.uc.pt |
• Spectroheliograph of the Coimbra University |
B. Gelly, Mr. - bgelly themis.iac.es |
• THEMIS: instrumentation and strategy for the future |
P. Gomory, Mr. - gomory astro.sk |
• Downward propagating waves detected in the chromospheric network by SOHO/CDS. |
A. Gultekin, Ms. - al istanbul.edu.tr |
• Two-dimensional observation of a small active region in H_alpha |
S. Gunar, Mr. - gunar asu.cas.cz |
• Prominence parameters derived by 2D modelling from hydrogen Lyman series measured by SOHO/SUMER |
R. H. Hammerschlag, Mr. - R.H.Hammerschlag astro.uu.nl |
• Options for the Dutch Open Telescope |
V. Hansteen, Mr. - viggoh astro.uio.no |
• Waves in the simulated chromosphere and transition region |
P. Heinzel, Mr. - pheinzel asu.cas.cz |
• The Fine Structure of Solar Prominences |
• Impact polarization due to proton beams in solar flares |
D. Hagenaar, Mrs. - hagenaar lmsal.com |
• Magnetic Structure of Moving Magnetic Features around Sunspots |
K. M. Hiremath, Mr. - hiremath iiap.res.in |
• Magnetic flux in the solar convective envelope inferred from the initial magnetic flux of the sunspots |
• An alternative Mechanism of the Solar Cycle |
A. Hofmann, Mr. - ahofmann aip.de |
• Flare associated type III bursts and magnetic field topology |
H. Hudson, Mr. - hhudson ssl.berkeley.edu |
• The chromosphere and flare energy |
E. L. Innocenti, Mr. - landie arcetri.astro.it |
• Spectropolarimetry of the D lines of alkali atoms |
B. Ioshpa, Mr. - ioshpa ttk.ru |
• Fractal Properties of Magnetic Fields of Active Regions and Sunspots |
S. Jejcic, Ms. - sonja.jejcic guest.arnes.si |
• White-Light Emission of Solar Prominences |
S. D. Jordan, Mr. - sjordan pop600.gsfc.nasa.gov |
• Preliminary Results from the EUNIS Experiment |
B. Joshi, Mr. - bhuwan aries.ernet.in, bhuwan.joshi yahoo.com |
• Asymmetry and periodicity of solar active phenomena during cycle 23 |
• Radio, Halpha and RHESSI investigations of an X-class flare and associated CME near the Sun and in the interplanetary medium |
L. Kashapova, Ms. - lkk iszf.irk.ru |
• Diagnostics of accelerated particle beams by spectral observations in Balmer series lines |
• Signatures of high-energy particles in H-alpha emission observed before the solar flare of 16 August 2004 |
J. Kasparova, Ms. - kasparov sunkl.asu.cas.cz |
• Halpha line in solar atmosphere heated by particle beams |
S. L. Keil, Mr. - skeil nso.edu |
• The Advanced Technology Solar Telescope Status Report |
J. Klimes, Mr. - klimes.ml obsupice.cz |
• Comparison of observation in H-alpha and CaII-K |
P. Kotrc, Mr. - pkotrc asu.cas.cz |
• The modernized solar optical spectrograph at the Ondrejov observatory |
S. Koutchmy, Mr. - koutchmy iap.fr |
• Old and New aspects of the prominence physics from coronal observations |
• Broad-band Halpha HI coronagraphic observations |
J. Koza, Mr. - J.Koza astro.uu.nl |
• On the lifetimes and photospheric drivers of the solar fibrils |
N. Labrosse, Mr. - nll aber.ac.uk |
• Spectral diagnostic of active prominences |
• Formation of O VI lines in sunspots with pumping from H2 |
A. Lagg, Mr. - lagg mps.mpg.de |
• Tenerife Infrared Polarimeter II |
P. Lamy, Mr. - philippe.lamy oamp.fr |
• Chromospheric and Prominence Physics with the ASPIICS Formation Flyers Mission |
Ø. Langangen, Mr. - oysteol astro.uio.no |
• High spatial resolution spectroscopy of the solar chromosphere |
J. Leenaarts, Mr. - j.leenaarts astro.uu.nl |
• Non-equilibrium hydrogen ionization in 3D simulations of the solar chromosphere |
T. Leifsen, Mr. - torben.leifsen astro.uio.no |
H. Li, Mr. - lihui mail.pmo.ac.cn |
• Spectroscopic Property of Solar Flares in Different Lines |
J. P. Li, Mr. - linli2000_0 hotmail.com |
• Detection of Explosive Chromospheric Evaporation in a Two-Ribbon Flare |
D. H. Mackay, Mr. - duncan mcs.st-and.ac.uk |
• Modelling the Hemispheric Pattern of Filaments |
• Models of the Large Scale Corona: Formation, Evolution and Eruption of Magnetic Flux Ropes. |
E. Markova, Mrs. - markova obsupice.cz |
• Comparison of observation in H-alpha and CaII-K |
P. Mauas, Mr. - pablo iafe.uba.ar |
• Semiempirical models of solar and stellar active chromospheres |
• Chromospheric activity in K stars |
R. Melich, Mr. - RMelich centrum.cz |
• Solc birefringent filter for several interesting spectral lines |
L. Merenda, Ms. - merenda iac.es |
• The magnetic field that confines the plasma of a solar coronal filament |
Z. Mouradian, Mr. - zadig.mouradian obspm.fr |
• 80 Years of Solar Astrophysics in Coimbra |
D. Y. Myachin, Mr. - Myachin iszf.irk.ru |
• The spotless flare of March 16, 1981 |
A. Ozguc, Mr. - ozguc boun.edu.tr |
• Periodicities in irradiance and in other solar activity indices during cycle 23 |
S. Parenti, Mrs. - s.parenti oma.be |
• A prominence investigation with SOHO/SUMER |
D. Paulson, Mrs. - diane.b.paulson gsfc.nasa.gov |
• Detection of Global Chromospheric Waves in Integrated Light |
A. Pietarila, Ms. - annap ucar.edu |
• The Ca IR Triplet as a Diagnostic for Chromospheric Magnetism |
T. Pintér, Mr. - pinter suh.sk |
• Chromospheric filament network and coronal streamers |
B. De Pontieu, Mr. - bdp lmsal.com |
• High resolution observations and modelling of chromospheric spicules |
T. Prosecky, Mr. - tomas.proso post.cz |
• Analysis of spectral line profile asymmetries on records of Multichannel Flare Spectrograph archive |
W. Rammacher, Mr. - wr kis.uni-freiburg.de |
• Simultaneous observations of solar Ca II H and Ca II 8662 lines and numerical simulation of these lines |
R. Ramelli, Mr. - ramelli irsol.ch |
• First measurement of the polarization of the flash spectrum during a total solar eclipse. |
• The magnetic fields in spicules and prominences as inferred from spectropolarimetric observations of the Hanle and Zeeman effects in the He-D$_3$ multiplet. |
A. Asensio Ramos, Mr. - aasensio iac.es |
• A user-friendly code for the diagnostics of the dynamical and magnetic properties of chromospheric plasma structures |
M. Rovira, Mrs. - rovira iafe.uba.ar |
• A multiwavelength study of the flare event, May 13, 2005. |
• Radio Observations of the December 20 th, 2002, flare. |
• SPH simulations of plasma dynamics in magnetic coronal loops |
G. Ruediger, Mr. - gruediger aip.de |
• Structure and evolution of sunspots |
R. J. Rutten, Mr. - R.J.Rutten astro.uu.nl |
• Observational aspects of the chromosphere |
R. M. Sainz, Mr. - rsainz iac.es |
• Scattering polarization in the ca ii ir triplet for the diagnostics of the solar chromosphere |
C. Sasso, Ms. - sasso mps.mpg.de |
• Observations and analysis of the full Stokes vector in a flaring region in the He I 1083.0 nm multiplet |
B. Schmieder, Mrs. - brigitte.schmieder obspm.fr |
• Spectro-photometry of Elleman bombs observed with THEMIS |
P. Schwartz, Mr. - schwartz asu.cas.cz |
• NLTE diagnostics of a filament observed by SOHO/SUMER in hydrogen Lyman line seriest |
G. Severino, Mr. - severino na.astro.it |
• A simulation of MOF transmission profiles: lights and shadows. |
V. Skomorovsky, Mr. - skoal iszf.irk.ru |
• Wide-field Solc type birefringent filter |
M. Sobotka, Mr. - msobotka asu.cas.cz |
• Horizontal Motion of Granules in the Vicinity of Sunspots |
S. K. Solanki, Mr. - solanki mps.mpg.de |
• Global variations of the chromospheric irradiance |
O. Steiner, Mr. - steiner kis.uni-freiburg.de |
• What is heating the quiet-Sun chromosphere? |
P. Thijssen, Mr. - P.M.A.Thijssen phys.uu.nl |
A. Title, Mr. - title lmsal.com |
• Coupling of the Magnetic Field to the Outer Atmosphere |
• The SOT and AiA Instrument |
J. Trujillo Bueno, Mr. - jtb iac.es |
• The magnetic field of solar chromospheric spicules |
G. Tsiropoula, Mrs. - georgia space.noa.gr |
• Multiwavelength analysis of a solar quiet region |
K. Tziotziou, Mr. - kostas space.noa.gr |
• Chromospheric cloud-model inversion techniques |
H. Uitenbroek, Mr. - huitenbroek nso.edu |
M. Varady, Mr. - varady asu.cas.cz |
• Return current and the energy deposit in flares |
J. C. Vial, Mr. - vial ias.u-psud.fr |
• SMESE : a SMall Explorer for the Study of Solar Eruptions and Prominences |
J. Vilinga, Mr. - vilinga iap.fr |
• Solar Cycle Variations of the Chromospheric Prolateness |
N. Vitas, Mr. - nikola matf.bg.ac.yu |
• Is the Solar Mn I 539.4 nm line variation really explained? |
A. Vourlidas, Mr. - vourlidas nrl.navy.mil |
• Chromospheric Science with the STEREO Mission |
E. Wiehr, Mr. - ewiehr astro.physik.uni-goettingen.de |
• The He-D3 to H-beta emission ratio in prominences |
A. G. de Wijn, Mr. - A.G.deWijn astro.uu.nl |
• Multi-wavelength observations of chromospheric and transition region structures |
V. K. Yadav, Mr. - vipin csp.res.in |