Teodor Pintér, Mr. - Dipl. Eng. |
Slovak Central Observatory |
http://www.suh.sk |
Session 3 - Poster |
Chromospheric filament network and coronal streamers |
T. Pintér, M. Rybanský, I. Dorotovič, Slovak Central Observatory, Hurbanovo, Slovak Republic |
We searched the anchoring distribution of coronal streamers, as recorded by the LASCO C2 and C3 instrument of the space observatory SOHO, using synoptic maps of filaments. Synoptic maps of inner corona based on measurements of the intensity of the coronal emission line 530.3 nm and synoptic maps of solar magnetic fields have been used as well for the same purpose. We indicated that terminative condition for a formation of a stable streamer is a strong magnetic field.
