The proceedings of the Coimbra Solar Physics Meeting 2006 "The Physics of Chromospheric Plasmas" will be published in the ASP (Astronomical Society of the Pacific) Conference Series. The editors are P. Heinzel,
I. Dorotovic and R.J. Rutten. The deadline for manuscript submission is 30 November 2006.
To prepare manuscripts of your contribution(s) please do not use the standard ASP macros that you may have downloaded already, but the new ones specifically adapted by us for this volume. They are available at website http://www.astro.uu.nl/~rutten/coimbra. The Readme.txt file there gives our specific instructions, while the file aspauthor2005.pdf is the regular ASP latex manual. Write your paper using file cspm-template.tex as template.
The page limit is:
4 pages for posters
6 pages for oral contributions
20 pages for keynote-talks
as described further in the file Readme.txt
Please, submit your contributions as .zip or .tar.gz attachments to:
Petr Heinzel, pheinzel asu.cas.cz - Historical session and sessions 2, 3, 4
Ivan Dorotovic, ivan mat.uc.pt - session 5
Rob Rutten, r.j.rutten astro.uu.nl - session 1 and 6
Important: Those of you who did not deliver yet the filled Copyright Form to the CSPM-2006 secretariat during the meeting, please download
it, fill it in, sign, and send it to PETR HEINZEL, Astronomical Institute AV CR, Fricova 298, 25165 Ondrejov, CZECH REPUBLIC. Alternatively, the copyright forms can be sent to P. Heinzel electronically as scanned documents which include your signature.