Jana Kasparova, Ms. - Dr. |
Astronomical Institute AS CR |
http://www.asu.cas.cz/person/kasparova.html |
Session 4 - Poster |
Halpha line in solar atmosphere heated by particle beams |
J. Kasparova(1), M.Varady(1,2),M.Karlicky(1),P.Heinzel(1),Z.Moravec(2) (1) Astronomical Institute AS CR, (2) Department of Physics, Institute of Science, Purkyne University, Usti n. L. |
Electron and proton beams propagating through the solar atmosphere cause its heating and also modify atomic level populations via collisional processes. Using the approach of 1D NLTE radiative hydrodynamics, we model the influence of the particle beams on the Halpha
line profile treating the beam propagation and the atmosphere evolution self-consistently. This contribution will focus mainly on the effects of the non-thermal collisional rates and the return current on the Halpha spectral line profile. Based on our results, we discuss a diagnostic method for determination of the particle beam presence in the formation regions of the Halpha line. |
