Asuman Gultekin, Ms. - Ph.D.
Istanbul University Observatory
Session 1 - Poster

Two-dimensional observation of a small active region in H_alpha

Asuman Gultekin, Zahide Funda Bostanci, Nurol Al Erdogan (Istanbul University Observatory, Turkey)

A small active region on the solar chromosphere was observed with high spatial and spectral resolution in H_alpha. The data were obtained with the 'Gottingen Fabry-Perot Spectrometer', which is mounted in the Vacuum Tower Telescope at the Observatorio del Teide/Tenerife. Intensity and velocity maps for different wavelengths widths are derived over the two-dimensional field of view by applying the 'lambdameter method'. By using Beckers' cloud model, some physical parameters like the source function, the line-of-sight velocity, the Doppler width and the optical depth of fibril-like structures are also determined. In this work, the obtained results will be discussed.