Bhuwan Joshi, Mr. - Master of Science (Physics), Ph.D. Student |
Aryabhatta Research Institute of observational SciencES (ARIES) |
http://aries.ernet.in/faculty/bjoshi.html |
Session 4 - Speaker |
Radio, Halpha and RHESSI investigations of an X-class flare and associated CME near the Sun and in the interplanetary medium |
Bhuwan Joshi (1), P. K. Manoharan (2), A. M. Veronig (3) and P. Pant (1)
(1) Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences, Nainital
263 129, India
(2) Radio Astronomy Centre, TIFR, Ooty 643 001, India
(3) IGAM/Institute of Physics, University of Graz, Universitatsplatz 5, 8010 Graz, Austria |
The evolution of an X2.7 solar flare, that occurred in a complex active region on 2003 November 3, is discussed utilizing multi-wavelength data set.
The H-alpha images taken from solar tower telescope at ARIES, Nainital reveal well-defined footpoint (FP) and looptop (LT) sources. As the flare evolves, LT source moves upward and the separation between the two FP sources increases which is consistent with the reconnection models of solar flares. The coalignment of H-alpha with hard X-ray (HXR) images obtained from RHESSI shows spatial correlation between H-alpha and HXR footpoints, while the upward moving HXR LT source is always located above H-alpha LT source. The EUV images of flaring region at 195 A taken from SOHO/EIT reveal intense emission from low-lying loops near the active region during the impulsive phase. On the other hand, two bright loops are seen well outside the active region which undergo large scale reorganization during the flare. In radio wavelengths, type III radio bursts are observed few minutes prior to start of HXR LT emission indicating the pre-flare coronal activity. A type II radio burst followed the main phase of the event. The observations support the "break-out" model of solar eruptions proposed by S. Antiochos and coworkers. |
