Figure 18--1 lists some defined names that are applicable to hash tables. The following rules apply to hash tables.
(setq a (make-hash-table)) => #<HASH-TABLE EQL 0/120 32536573> (setf (gethash 'color a) 'brown) => BROWN (setf (gethash 'name a) 'fred) => FRED (gethash 'color a) => BROWN, true (gethash 'name a) => FRED, true (gethash 'pointy a) => NIL, falseIn this example, the symbols color and name are being used as keys, and the symbols brown and fred are being used as the associated values. The hash table has two items in it, one of which associates from color to brown, and the other of which associates from name to fred.
clrhash hash-table-p remhash gethash make-hash-table sxhash hash-table-count maphash
Figure 18--1: Hash-table defined names
The function supplied as the :test argument to make-hash-table specifies the `equivalence test' for the hash table it creates.
An object is `visibly modified' with regard to an equivalence test if there exists some set of objects (or potential objects) which are equivalent to the object before the modification but are no longer equivalent afterwards.
If an object O_1 is used as a key in a hash table H and is then visibly modified with regard to the equivalence test of H, then the consequences are unspecified if O_1, or any object O_2 equivalent to O_1 under the equivalence test (either before or after the modification), is used as a key in further operations on H. The consequences of using O_1 as a key are unspecified even if O_1 is visibly modified and then later modified again in such a way as to undo the visible modification.
Following are specifications of the modifications which are visible to the equivalence tests which must be supported by hash tables. The modifications are described in terms of modification of components, and are defined recursively. Visible modifications of components of the object are visible modifications of the object.
No standardized function is provided that is capable of visibly modifying an object with regard to eq or eql.
As a consequence of the behavior for equal, the rules for visible modification of objects not explicitly mentioned in this section are inherited from those in section Visible Modification of Objects with respect to EQ and EQL.
Any visible change to the car or the cdr of a cons is considered a visible modification with regard to equal.
For a vector of type bit-vector or of type string, any visible change to an active element of the vector, or to the length of the vector (if it is actually adjustable or has a fill pointer) is considered a visible modification with regard to equal.
As a consequence of the behavior for equalp, the rules for visible modification of objects not explicitly mentioned in this section are inherited from those in section Visible Modification of Objects with respect to EQUAL.
Any visible change to a slot of a structure is considered a visible modification with regard to equalp.
In an array, any visible change to an active element, to the fill pointer (if the array can and does have one), or to the dimensions (if the array is actually adjustable) is considered a visible modification with regard to equalp.
In a hash table, any visible change to the count of entries in the hash table, to the keys, or to the values associated with the keys is considered a visible modification with regard to equalp.
Note that the visibility of modifications to the keys depends on the equivalence test of the hash table, not on the specification of equalp.
Implementations that extend the language by providing additional mutator functions (or additional behavior for existing mutator functions) must document how the use of these extensions interacts with equivalence tests and hash table searches.
Implementations that extend the language by defining additional acceptable equivalence tests for hash tables (allowing additional values for the :test argument to make-hash-table) must document the visible components of these tests.
hash-table, t
Hash tables provide a way of mapping any object (a key) to an associated object (a value).
section Hash Table Concepts, section Printing Other Objects
The intent is that this mapping be implemented by a hashing mechanism, such as that described in Section 6.4 "Hashing" of {The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3} (pp506-549). In spite of this intent, no conforming implementation is required to use any particular technique to implement the mapping.
{&key test size rehash-size rehash-threshold} => hash-table
test---a designator for one of the functions eq, eql, equal, or
The default is eql.
size---a non-negative integer.
The default is implementation-dependent.
rehash-size---a real of type (or (integer 1 *) (float (1.0) *)). The default is implementation-dependent.
rehash-threshold---a real of type (real 0 1). The default is implementation-dependent.
hash-table---a hash table.
Creates and returns a new hash table.
test determines how keys are compared. An object is said to be present in the hash-table if that object is the same under the test as the key for some entry in the hash-table.
size is a hint to the implementation about how much initial space to allocate in the hash-table.
This information, taken together with the rehash-threshold, controls the approximate number of entries which it should be possible to insert before the table has to grow.
The actual size might be rounded up from size to the next `good' size; for example, some implementations might round to the next prime number.
rehash-size specifies a minimum amount to increase the size of the hash-table when it becomes full enough to require rehashing; see rehash-theshold below.
If rehash-size is an integer, the expected growth rate for the table is additive and the integer is the number of entries to add; if it is a float, the expected growth rate for the table is multiplicative and the float is the ratio of the new size to the old size.
As with size, the actual size of the increase might be rounded up.
rehash-threshold specifies how full the hash-table can get before it must grow.
It specifies the maximum desired hash-table occupancy level.
The values of rehash-size and rehash-threshold do not constrain the implementation to use any particular method for computing when and by how much the size of hash-table should be enlarged. Such decisions are implementation-dependent, and these values only hints from the programmer to the implementation, and the implementation is permitted to ignore them.
(setq table (make-hash-table)) => #<HASH-TABLE EQL 0/120 46142754> (setf (gethash "one" table) 1) => 1 (gethash "one" table) => NIL, false (setq table (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) => #<HASH-TABLE EQUAL 0/139 46145547> (setf (gethash "one" table) 1) => 1 (gethash "one" table) => 1, T (make-hash-table :rehash-size 1.5 :rehash-threshold 0.7) => #<HASH-TABLE EQL 0/120 46156620>
section gethash [Accessor] , hash-table
object => generalized-boolean
object---an object.
generalized-boolean---a generalized boolean.
Returns true if object is of type hash-table; otherwise, returns false.
(setq table (make-hash-table)) => #<HASH-TABLE EQL 0/120 32511220> (hash-table-p table) => true (hash-table-p 37) => false (hash-table-p '((a . 1) (b . 2))) => false
(hash-table-p object) == (typep object 'hash-table)
hash-table => count
hash-table---a hash table.
count---a non-negative integer.
Returns the number of entries in the hash-table. If hash-table has just been created or newly cleared (see clrhash) the entry count is 0.
(setq table (make-hash-table)) => #<HASH-TABLE EQL 0/120 32115135> (hash-table-count table) => 0 (setf (gethash 57 table) "fifty-seven") => "fifty-seven" (hash-table-count table) => 1 (dotimes (i 100) (setf (gethash i table) i)) => NIL (hash-table-count table) => 100
clrhash, remhash, setf of gethash
section hash-table-size [Function]
The following relationships are functionally correct, although in practice using hash-table-count is probably much faster:
(hash-table-count table) == (loop for value being the hash-values of table count t) == (let ((total 0)) (maphash #'(lambda (key value) (declare (ignore key value)) (incf total)) table) total)
hash-table => rehash-size
hash-table---a hash table.
rehash-size---a real of type (or (integer 1 *) (float (1.0) *)).
Returns the current rehash size of hash-table, suitable for use in a call to make-hash-table in order to produce a hash table with state corresponding to the current state of the hash-table.
(setq table (make-hash-table :size 100 :rehash-size 1.4)) => #<HASH-TABLE EQL 0/100 2556371> (hash-table-rehash-size table) => 1.4
Should signal an error of type type-error if hash-table is not a hash table.
section make-hash-table [Function] , section hash-table-rehash-threshold [Function]
If the hash table was created with an integer rehash size, the result is an integer, indicating that the rate of growth of the hash-table when rehashed is intended to be additive; otherwise, the result is a float, indicating that the rate of growth of the hash-table when rehashed is intended to be multiplicative. However, this value is only advice to the implementation; the actual amount by which the hash-table will grow upon rehash is implementation-dependent.
hash-table => rehash-threshold
hash-table---a hash table.
rehash-threshold---a real of type (real 0 1).
Returns the current rehash threshold of hash-table, which is suitable for use in a call to make-hash-table in order to produce a hash table with state corresponding to the current state of the hash-table.
(setq table (make-hash-table :size 100 :rehash-threshold 0.5)) => #<HASH-TABLE EQL 0/100 2562446> (hash-table-rehash-threshold table) => 0.5
Should signal an error of type type-error if hash-table is not a hash table.
section make-hash-table [Function] , section hash-table-rehash-size [Function]
hash-table => size
hash-table---a hash table.
size---a non-negative integer.
Returns the current size of hash-table, which is suitable for use in a call to make-hash-table in order to produce a hash table with state corresponding to the current state of the hash-table.
Should signal an error of type type-error if hash-table is not a hash table.
section hash-table-count [Function] , section make-hash-table [Function]
hash-table => test
hash-table---a hash table.
test---a function designator. For the four standardized hash table test functions (see make-hash-table), the test value returned is always a symbol. If an implementation permits additional tests, it is implementation-dependent whether such tests are returned as function objects or function names.
Returns the test used for comparing keys in hash-table.
Should signal an error of type type-error if hash-table is not a hash table.
section make-hash-table [Function]
key hash-table {&optional default} => value, present-p
(setf ( gethash
key hash-table {&optional default}) new-value)
key---an object.
hash-table---a hash table.
default---an object. The default is nil.
value---an object.
present-p---a generalized boolean.
Value is the object in hash-table whose key is the same as key under the hash-table's equivalence test. If there is no such entry, value is the default.
Present-p is true if an entry is found; otherwise, it is false.
setf may be used with gethash to modify the value associated with a given key, or to add a new entry.
When a gethash form is used as a setf place, any default which is supplied is evaluated according to normal left-to-right evaluation rules, but its value is ignored.
(setq table (make-hash-table)) => #<HASH-TABLE EQL 0/120 32206334> (gethash 1 table) => NIL, false (gethash 1 table 2) => 2, false (setf (gethash 1 table) "one") => "one" (setf (gethash 2 table "two") "two") => "two" (gethash 1 table) => "one", true (gethash 2 table) => "two", true (gethash nil table) => NIL, false (setf (gethash nil table) nil) => NIL (gethash nil table) => NIL, true (defvar *counters* (make-hash-table)) => *COUNTERS* (gethash 'foo *counters*) => NIL, false (gethash 'foo *counters* 0) => 0, false (defmacro how-many (obj) `(values (gethash ,obj *counters* 0))) => HOW-MANY (defun count-it (obj) (incf (how-many obj))) => COUNT-IT (dolist (x '(bar foo foo bar bar baz)) (count-it x)) (how-many 'foo) => 2 (how-many 'bar) => 3 (how-many 'quux) => 0
section remhash [Function]
The secondary value, present-p, can be used to distinguish the absence of an entry from the presence of an entry that has a value of default.
key hash-table => generalized-boolean
key---an object.
hash-table---a hash table.
generalized-boolean---a generalized boolean.
Removes the entry for key in hash-table, if any. Returns true if there was such an entry, or false otherwise.
(setq table (make-hash-table)) => #<HASH-TABLE EQL 0/120 32115666> (setf (gethash 100 table) "C") => "C" (gethash 100 table) => "C", true (remhash 100 table) => true (gethash 100 table) => NIL, false (remhash 100 table) => false
The hash-table is modified.
function hash-table => nil
function---a designator for a function of two arguments, the key and the value.
hash-table---a hash table.
Iterates over all entries in the hash-table. For each entry, the function is called with two arguments--the key and the value of that entry.
The consequences are unspecified if any attempt is made to add or remove an entry from the hash-table while a maphash is in progress, with two exceptions: the function can use can use setf of gethash to change the value part of the entry currently being processed, or it can use remhash to remove that entry.
(setq table (make-hash-table)) => #<HASH-TABLE EQL 0/120 32304110> (dotimes (i 10) (setf (gethash i table) i)) => NIL (let ((sum-of-squares 0)) (maphash #'(lambda (key val) (let ((square (* val val))) (incf sum-of-squares square) (setf (gethash key table) square))) table) sum-of-squares) => 285 (hash-table-count table) => 10 (maphash #'(lambda (key val) (when (oddp val) (remhash key table))) table) => NIL (hash-table-count table) => 5 (maphash #'(lambda (k v) (print (list k v))) table) (0 0) (8 64) (2 4) (6 36) (4 16) => NIL
None, other than any which might be done by the function.
section loop [Macro] , section with-hash-table-iterator [Macro] ,
section Traversal Rules and Side Effects
(name hash-table)
{declaration}{* {form}{*}} => {result}{*}
name---a name suitable for the first argument to macrolet.
hash-table---a form, evaluated once, that should produce a hash table.
declaration---a declare expression; not evaluated.
forms---an implicit progn.
results---the values returned by forms.
Within the lexical scope of the body, name is defined via macrolet such that successive invocations of (name) return the items, one by one, from the hash table that is obtained by evaluating hash-table only once.
An invocation (name) returns three values as follows:
After all entries have been returned by successive invocations of (name), then only one value is returned, namely nil.
It is unspecified what happens if any of the implicit interior state of an iteration is returned outside the dynamic extent of the with-hash-table-iterator form such as by returning some closure over the invocation form.
Any number of invocations of with-hash-table-iterator can be nested, and the body of the innermost one can invoke all of the locally established macros, provided all of those macros have distinct names.
The following function should return t on any hash table, and signal an error if the usage of with-hash-table-iterator does not agree with the corresponding usage of maphash.
(defun test-hash-table-iterator (hash-table) (let ((all-entries '()) (generated-entries '()) (unique (list nil))) (maphash #'(lambda (key value) (push (list key value) all-entries)) hash-table) (with-hash-table-iterator (generator-fn hash-table) (loop (multiple-value-bind (more? key value) (generator-fn) (unless more? (return)) (unless (eql value (gethash key hash-table unique)) (error "Key ~S not found for value ~S" key value)) (push (list key value) generated-entries)))) (unless (= (length all-entries) (length generated-entries) (length (union all-entries generated-entries :key #'car :test (hash-table-test hash-table)))) (error "Generated entries and Maphash entries don't correspond")) t))
The following could be an acceptable definition of maphash, implemented by with-hash-table-iterator.
(defun maphash (function hash-table) (with-hash-table-iterator (next-entry hash-table) (loop (multiple-value-bind (more key value) (next-entry) (unless more (return nil)) (funcall function key value)))))
The consequences are undefined if the local function named name established by with-hash-table-iterator is called after it has returned false as its primary value.
section Traversal Rules and Side Effects
hash-table => hash-table
hash-table---a hash table.
Removes all entries from hash-table, and then returns that empty hash table.
(setq table (make-hash-table)) => #<HASH-TABLE EQL 0/120 32004073> (dotimes (i 100) (setf (gethash i table) (format nil "~R" i))) => NIL (hash-table-count table) => 100 (gethash 57 table) => "fifty-seven", true (clrhash table) => #<HASH-TABLE EQL 0/120 32004073> (hash-table-count table) => 0 (gethash 57 table) => NIL, false
The hash-table is modified.
object => hash-code
object---an object.
hash-code---a non-negative fixnum.
sxhash returns a hash code for object.
The manner in which the hash code is computed is implementation-dependent, but subject to certain constraints:
(= (sxhash (list 'list "ab")) (sxhash (list 'list "ab"))) => true (= (sxhash "a") (sxhash (make-string 1 :initial-element #\a))) => true (let ((r (make-random-state))) (= (sxhash r) (sxhash (make-random-state r)))) => implementation-dependent
The implementation.
Many common hashing needs are satisfied by make-hash-table and the related functions on hash tables. sxhash is intended for use where the pre-defined abstractions are insufficient. Its main intent is to allow the user a convenient means of implementing more complicated hashing paradigms than are provided through hash tables.
The hash codes returned by sxhash are not necessarily related to any hashing strategy used by any other function in Common Lisp.
For objects of types that equal compares with eq, item 3 requires that the hash-code be based on some immutable quality of the identity of the object. Another legitimate implementation technique would be to have sxhash assign (and cache) a random hash code for these objects, since there is no requirement that similar but non-eq objects have the same hash code.
Although similarity is defined for symbols in terms of both the symbol's name and the packages in which the symbol is accessible, item 3 disallows using package information to compute the hash code, since changes to the package status of a symbol are not visible to equal.
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