ANSI and GNU Common Lisp Document
- Introduction
- Syntax
- Evaluation and Compilation
- Types and Classes
- Data and Control Flow
- Generalized Reference
- Transfer of Control to an Exit Point
- Data and Control Flow Dictionary
- apply [Function]
- defun [Macro]
- fdefinition [Accessor]
- fboundp [Function]
- fmakunbound [Function]
- flet, labels, macrolet [Special Operator]
- funcall [Function]
- function [Special Operator]
- function-lambda-expression [Function]
- functionp [Function]
- compiled-function-p [Function]
- call-arguments-limit [Constant Variable]
- lambda-list-keywords [Constant Variable]
- lambda-parameters-limit [Constant Variable]
- defconstant [Macro]
- defparameter, defvar [Macro]
- destructuring-bind [Macro]
- let, let* [Special Operator]
- progv [Special Operator]
- setq [Special Form]
- psetq [Macro]
- block [Special Operator]
- catch [Special Operator]
- go [Special Operator]
- return-from [Special Operator]
- return [Macro]
- tagbody [Special Operator]
- throw [Special Operator]
- unwind-protect [Special Operator]
- nil [Constant Variable]
- not [Function]
- t [Constant Variable]
- eq [Function]
- eql [Function]
- equal [Function]
- equalp [Function]
- identity [Function]
- complement [Function]
- constantly [Function]
- every, some, notevery, notany [Function]
- and [Macro]
- cond [Macro]
- if [Special Operator]
- or [Macro]
- when, unless [Macro]
- case, ccase, ecase [Macro]
- typecase, ctypecase, etypecase [Macro]
- multiple-value-bind [Macro]
- multiple-value-call [Special Operator]
- multiple-value-list [Macro]
- multiple-value-prog1 [Special Operator]
- multiple-value-setq [Macro]
- values [Accessor]
- values-list [Function]
- multiple-values-limit [Constant Variable]
- nth-value [Macro]
- prog, prog* [Macro]
- prog1, prog2 [Macro]
- progn [Special Operator]
- define-modify-macro [Macro]
- defsetf [Macro]
- define-setf-expander [Macro]
- get-setf-expansion [Function]
- setf, psetf [Macro]
- shiftf [Macro]
- rotatef [Macro]
- control-error [Condition Type]
- program-error [Condition Type]
- undefined-function [Condition Type]
- Iteration
- Objects
- Structures
- Conditions
- Symbols
- Packages
- Numbers
- Number Concepts
- Numbers Dictionary
- number [System Class]
- complex [System Class]
- real [System Class]
- float [System Class]
- short-float, single-float, double-float, long-float [Type]
- rational [System Class]
- ratio [System Class]
- integer [System Class]
- signed-byte [Type]
- unsigned-byte [Type]
- mod [Type Specifier]
- bit [Type]
- fixnum [Type]
- bignum [Type]
- =, /=, <, >, <=, >= [Function]
- max, min [Function]
- minusp, plusp [Function]
- zerop [Function]
- floor, ffloor, ceiling, fceiling,
- sin, cos, tan [Function]
- asin, acos, atan [Function]
- pi [Constant Variable]
- sinh, cosh, tanh, asinh, acosh, atanh [Function]
- * [Function]
- + [Function]
- - [Function]
- / [Function]
- 1+, 1- [Function]
- abs [Function]
- evenp, oddp [Function]
- exp, expt [Function]
- gcd [Function]
- incf, decf [Macro]
- lcm [Function]
- log [Function]
- mod, rem [Function]
- signum [Function]
- sqrt, isqrt [Function]
- random-state [System Class]
- make-random-state [Function]
- random [Function]
- random-state-p [Function]
- *random-state* [Variable]
- numberp [Function]
- cis [Function]
- complex [Function]
- complexp [Function]
- conjugate [Function]
- phase [Function]
- realpart, imagpart [Function]
- upgraded-complex-part-type [Function]
- realp [Function]
- numerator, denominator [Function]
- rational, rationalize [Function]
- rationalp [Function]
- ash [Function]
- integer-length [Function]
- integerp [Function]
- parse-integer [Function]
- boole [Function]
- boole-1, boole-2, boole-and, boole-andc1, boole-andc2,
- logand, logandc1, logandc2, logeqv, logior,
- logbitp [Function]
- logcount [Function]
- logtest [Function]
- byte, byte-size, byte-position [Function]
- deposit-field [Function]
- dpb [Function]
- ldb [Accessor]
- ldb-test [Function]
- mask-field [Accessor]
- most-positive-fixnum, most-negative-fixnum [Constant Variable]
- decode-float, scale-float, float-radix, float-sign,
- float [Function]
- floatp [Function]
- most-positive-short-float, least-positive-short-float,
- short-float-epsilon, short-float-negative-epsilon,
- arithmetic-error [Condition Type]
- arithmetic-error-operands, arithmetic-error-operation [Function]
- division-by-zero [Condition Type]
- floating-point-invalid-operation [Condition Type]
- floating-point-inexact [Condition Type]
- floating-point-overflow [Condition Type]
- floating-point-underflow [Condition Type]
- Characters
- Conses
- Cons Concepts
- Conses Dictionary
- list [System Class]
- null [System Class]
- cons [System Class]
- atom [Type]
- cons [Function]
- consp [Function]
- atom [Function]
- rplaca, rplacd [Function]
- car, cdr,
- copy-tree [Function]
- sublis, nsublis [Function]
- subst, subst-if, subst-if-not, nsubst, nsubst-if, nsubst-if-not
- tree-equal [Function]
- copy-list [Function]
- list, list* [Function]
- list-length [Function]
- listp [Function]
- make-list [Function]
- push [Macro]
- pop [Macro]
- first, second, third, fourth, fifth,
- nth [Accessor]
- endp [Function]
- null [Function]
- nconc [Function]
- append [Function]
- revappend, nreconc [Function]
- butlast, nbutlast [Function]
- last [Function]
- ldiff, tailp [Function]
- nthcdr [Function]
- rest [Accessor]
- member, member-if, member-if-not [Function]
- mapc, mapcar, mapcan, mapl, maplist, mapcon [Function]
- acons [Function]
- assoc, assoc-if, assoc-if-not [Function]
- copy-alist [Function]
- pairlis [Function]
- rassoc, rassoc-if, rassoc-if-not [Function]
- get-properties [Function]
- getf [Accessor]
- remf [Macro]
- intersection, nintersection [Function]
- adjoin [Function]
- pushnew [Macro]
- set-difference, nset-difference [Function]
- set-exclusive-or, nset-exclusive-or [Function]
- subsetp [Function]
- union, nunion [Function]
- Arrays
- Strings
- String Concepts
- Strings Dictionary
- string [System Class]
- base-string [Type]
- simple-string [Type]
- simple-base-string [Type]
- simple-string-p [Function]
- char, schar [Accessor]
- string [Function]
- string-upcase, string-downcase, string-capitalize,
- string-trim, string-left-trim, string-right-trim [Function]
- string=, string/=, string<, string>, string<=, string>=,
- stringp [Function]
- make-string [Function]
- Sequences
- Sequence Concepts
- Rules about Test Functions
- Sequences Dictionary
- sequence [System Class]
- copy-seq [Function]
- elt [Accessor]
- fill [Function]
- make-sequence [Function]
- subseq [Accessor]
- map [Function]
- map-into [Function]
- reduce [Function]
- count, count-if, count-if-not [Function]
- length [Function]
- reverse, nreverse [Function]
- sort, stable-sort [Function]
- find, find-if, find-if-not [Function]
- position, position-if, position-if-not [Function]
- search [Function]
- mismatch [Function]
- replace [Function]
- substitute, substitute-if, substitute-if-not,
- concatenate [Function]
- merge [Function]
- remove, remove-if, remove-if-not,
- remove-duplicates, delete-duplicates [Function]
- Hash Tables
- Filenames
- Files
- Streams
- Stream Concepts
- Streams Dictionary
- stream [System Class]
- broadcast-stream [System Class]
- concatenated-stream [System Class]
- echo-stream [System Class]
- file-stream [System Class]
- string-stream [System Class]
- synonym-stream [System Class]
- two-way-stream [System Class]
- input-stream-p, output-stream-p [Function]
- interactive-stream-p [Function]
- open-stream-p [Function]
- stream-element-type [Function]
- streamp [Function]
- read-byte [Function]
- write-byte [Function]
- peek-char [Function]
- read-char [Function]
- read-char-no-hang [Function]
- terpri, fresh-line [Function]
- unread-char [Function]
- write-char [Function]
- read-line [Function]
- write-string, write-line [Function]
- read-sequence [Function]
- write-sequence [Function]
- file-length [Function]
- file-position [Function]
- file-string-length [Function]
- open [Function]
- stream-external-format [Function]
- with-open-file [macro]
- close [Function]
- with-open-stream [Macro]
- listen [Function]
- clear-input [Function]
- finish-output, force-output, clear-output [Function]
- y-or-n-p, yes-or-no-p [Function]
- make-synonym-stream [Function]
- synonym-stream-symbol [Function]
- broadcast-stream-streams [Function]
- make-broadcast-stream [Function]
- make-two-way-stream [Function]
- two-way-stream-input-stream, two-way-stream-output-stream
- echo-stream-input-stream, echo-stream-output-stream [Function]
- make-echo-stream [Function]
- concatenated-stream-streams [Function]
- make-concatenated-stream [Function]
- get-output-stream-string [Function]
- make-string-input-stream [Function]
- make-string-output-stream [Function]
- with-input-from-string [Macro]
- with-output-to-string [Macro]
- *debug-io*, *error-output*, *query-io*,
- *terminal-io* [Variable]
- stream-error [Condition Type]
- stream-error-stream [Function]
- end-of-file [Condition Type]
- Printer
- The Lisp Printer
- The Lisp Pretty Printer
- Formatted Output
- Printer Dictionary
- copy-pprint-dispatch [Function]
- formatter [Macro]
- pprint-dispatch [Function]
- pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted [Local Macro]
- pprint-fill, pprint-linear, pprint-tabular [Function]
- pprint-indent [Function]
- pprint-logical-block [Macro]
- pprint-newline [Function]
- pprint-pop [Local Macro]
- pprint-tab [Function]
- print-object [Standard Generic Function]
- print-unreadable-object [Macro]
- set-pprint-dispatch [Function]
- write, prin1, print, pprint, princ [Function]
- write-to-string, prin1-to-string, princ-to-string [Function]
- *print-array* [Variable]
- *print-base*, *print-radix* [Variable]
- *print-case* [Variable]
- *print-circle* [Variable]
- *print-escape* [Variable]
- *print-gensym* [Variable]
- *print-level*, *print-length* [Variable]
- *print-lines* [Variable]
- *print-miser-width* [Variable]
- *print-pprint-dispatch* [Variable]
- *print-pretty* [Variable]
- *print-readably* [Variable]
- *print-right-margin* [Variable]
- print-not-readable [Condition Type]
- print-not-readable-object [Function]
- format [Function]
- Reader
- System Construction
- Environment
- The External Environment
- Environment Dictionary
- decode-universal-time [Function]
- encode-universal-time [function]
- get-universal-time, get-decoded-time [Function]
- sleep [Function]
- apropos, apropos-list [Function]
- describe [Function]
- describe-object [Standard Generic Function]
- trace, untrace [Macro]
- step [Macro]
- time [Macro]
- internal-time-units-per-second [Constant Variable]
- get-internal-real-time [Function]
- get-internal-run-time [Function]
- disassemble [Function]
- documentation, (setf documentation) [Standard Generic Function]
- room [Function]
- ed [Function]
- inspect [Function]
- dribble [Function]
- - [Variable]
- +, ++, +++ [Variable]
- *, **, *** [Variable]
- /, //, /// [Variable]
- lisp-implementation-type,
- short-site-name, long-site-name [Function]
- machine-instance [Function]
- machine-type [Function]
- machine-version [Function]
- software-type, software-version [Function]
- user-homedir-pathname [Function]
- Glossary
- Appendix
This document was generated on 3 March 1997 using the
translator version 1.51.