Various aspects of the Lisp reader can be controlled dynamically. See section Readtables and section Variables that affect the Lisp Reader.
The readtable case of the current readtable affects the Lisp reader in the following ways:
(defun test-readtable-case-reading () (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))) (format t "READTABLE-CASE Input Symbol-name~ ~ ~ (dolist (readtable-case '(:upcase :downcase :preserve :invert)) (setf (readtable-case *readtable*) readtable-case) (dolist (input '("ZEBRA" "Zebra" "zebra")) (format t "~&:~A~16T~A~24T~A" (string-upcase readtable-case) input (symbol-name (read-from-string input)))))))
The output from (test-readtable-case-reading) should be as follows:
READTABLE-CASE Input Symbol-name ------------------------------------- :UPCASE ZEBRA ZEBRA :UPCASE Zebra ZEBRA :UPCASE zebra ZEBRA :DOWNCASE ZEBRA zebra :DOWNCASE Zebra zebra :DOWNCASE zebra zebra :PRESERVE ZEBRA ZEBRA :PRESERVE Zebra Zebra :PRESERVE zebra zebra :INVERT ZEBRA zebra :INVERT Zebra Zebra :INVERT zebra ZEBRA
Eof-error-p in input function calls controls what happens if input is from a file (or any other input source that has a definite end) and the end of the file is reached. If eof-error-p is true (the default), an error of type end-of-file is signaled at end of file. If it is false, then no error is signaled, and instead the function returns eof-value.
Functions such as read that read the representation of an object rather than a single character always signals an error, regardless of eof-error-p, if the file ends in the middle of an object representation. For example, if a file does not contain enough right parentheses to balance the left parentheses in it, read signals an error. If a file ends in a symbol or a number immediately followed by end-of-file, read reads the symbol or number successfully and when called again will act according to eof-error-p. Similarly, the function read-line successfully reads the last line of a file even if that line is terminated by end-of-file rather than the newline character. Ignorable text, such as lines containing only whitespace_2 or comments, are not considered to begin an object; if read begins to read an expression but sees only such ignorable text, it does not consider the file to end in the middle of an object. Thus an eof-error-p argument controls what happens when the file ends between objects.
If recursive-p is supplied and not nil, it specifies that this function call is not an outermost call to read but an embedded call, typically from a reader macro function. It is important to distinguish such recursive calls for three reasons.
(cons '#3=(p q r) '(x y . #3#))If the single-quote reader macro were defined in this way:
(set-macro-character #\' ;incorrect #'(lambda (stream char) (declare (ignore char)) (list 'quote (read stream))))then each call to the single-quote reader macro function would establish independent contexts for the scope of read information, including the scope of identifications between markers like "#3=" and "#3#". However, for this expression, the scope was clearly intended to be determined by the outer set of parentheses, so such a definition would be incorrect. The correct way to define the single-quote reader macro uses recursive-p:
(set-macro-character #\' ;correct #'(lambda (stream char) (declare (ignore char)) (list 'quote (read stream t nil t))))
readtable, t
A readtable maps characters into syntax types for the Lisp reader; see section Syntax. A readtable also contains associations between macro characters and their reader macro functions, and records information about the case conversion rules to be used by the Lisp reader when parsing symbols.
Each simple character must be representable in the readtable. It is implementation-defined whether non-simple characters can have syntax descriptions in the readtable.
section Readtables, section Printing Other Objects
{&optional from-readtable to-readtable} => readtable
from-readtable---a readtable designator. The default is the current readtable.
to-readtable---a readtable or nil. The default is nil.
readtable---the to-readtable if it is non-nil, or else a fresh readtable.
copy-readtable copies from-readtable.
If to-readtable is nil, a new readtable is created and returned. Otherwise the readtable specified by to-readtable is modified and returned.
copy-readtable copies the setting of readtable-case.
(setq zvar 123) => 123 (set-syntax-from-char #\z #\' (setq table2 (copy-readtable))) => T zvar => 123 (copy-readtable table2 *readtable*) => #<READTABLE 614000277> zvar => VAR (setq *readtable* (copy-readtable)) => #<READTABLE 46210223> zvar => VAR (setq *readtable* (copy-readtable nil)) => #<READTABLE 46302670> zvar => 123
readtable, section readtable [System Class]
(setq *readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
restores the input syntax to standard Common Lisp syntax, even if the initial readtable has been clobbered (assuming it is not so badly clobbered that you cannot type in the above expression).
On the other hand,
(setq *readtable* (copy-readtable))
replaces the current readtable with a copy of itself. This is useful if you want to save a copy of a readtable for later use, protected from alteration in the meantime. It is also useful if you want to locally bind the readtable to a copy of itself, as in:
(let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable))) ...)
char {&optional non-terminating-p readtable} => t
char---a character.
non-terminating-p---a generalized boolean. The default is false.
readtable---a readtable. The default is the current readtable.
make-dispatch-macro-character makes char be a dispatching macro character in readtable.
Initially, every character in the dispatch table associated with the char has an associated function that signals an error of type reader-error.
If non-terminating-p is true, the dispatching macro character is made a non-terminating macro character; if non-terminating-p is false, the dispatching macro character is made a terminating macro character.
(get-macro-character #\{) => NIL, false (make-dispatch-macro-character #\{) => T (not (get-macro-character #\{)) => false
The readtable is altered.
section readtable [System Class] , @xref{set-dispatch-macro-character; get-dispatch-macro-character}
{&optional input-stream eof-error-p eof-value recursive-p} => object
{&optional input-stream eof-error-p
eof-value recursive-p}
=> object
input-stream---an input stream designator.
eof-error-p---a generalized boolean. The default is true.
eof-value---an object.
The default is nil.
recursive-p---a generalized boolean. The default is false.
object---an object (parsed by the Lisp reader) or the eof-value.
read parses the printed representation of an object from input-stream and builds such an object.
read-preserving-whitespace is like read but preserves any whitespace_2 character that delimits the printed representation of the object. read-preserving-whitespace is exactly like read when the recursive-p argument to read-preserving-whitespace is true.
When *read-suppress* is false, read throws away the delimiting character required by certain printed representations if it is a whitespace_2 character; but read preserves the character (using unread-char) if it is syntactically meaningful, because it could be the start of the next expression.
If a file ends in a symbol or a number immediately followed by an end of file_1, read reads the symbol or number successfully; when called again, it sees the end of file_1 and only then acts according to eof-error-p. If a file contains ignorable text at the end, such as blank lines and comments, read does not consider it to end in the middle of an object.
If recursive-p is true, the call to read is expected to be made from within some function that itself has been called from read or from a similar input function, rather than from the top level.
Both functions return the object read from input-stream. Eof-value is returned if eof-error-p is false and end of file is reached before the beginning of an object.
(read) |> |>>'a<<| => (QUOTE A) (with-input-from-string (is " ") (read is nil 'the-end)) => THE-END (defun skip-then-read-char (s c n) (if (char= c #\{) (read s t nil t) (read-preserving-whitespace s)) (read-char-no-hang s)) => SKIP-THEN-READ-CHAR (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))) (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\{ #'skip-then-read-char) (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\} #'skip-then-read-char) (with-input-from-string (is "#{123 x #}123 y") (format t "~S ~S" (read is) (read is)))) => #\x, #\Space, NIL
As an example, consider this reader macro definition:
(defun slash-reader (stream char) (declare (ignore char)) `(path . ,(loop for dir = (read-preserving-whitespace stream t nil t) then (progn (read-char stream t nil t) (read-preserving-whitespace stream t nil t)) collect dir while (eql (peek-char nil stream nil nil t) #\/)))) (set-macro-character #\/ #'slash-reader)
Consider now calling read on this expression:
(zyedh /usr/games/zork /usr/games/boggle)
The / macro reads objects separated by more / characters; thus /usr/games/zork is intended to read as (path usr games zork). The entire example expression should therefore be read as
(zyedh (path usr games zork) (path usr games boggle))
However, if read had been used instead of read-preserving-whitespace, then after the reading of the symbol zork, the following space would be discarded; the next call to peek-char would see the following /, and the loop would continue, producing this interpretation:
(zyedh (path usr games zork usr games boggle))
There are times when whitespace_2 should be discarded. If a command interpreter takes single-character commands, but occasionally reads an object then if the whitespace_2 after a symbol is not discarded it might be interpreted as a command some time later after the symbol had been read.
*standard-input*, *terminal-io*, *readtable*, *read-default-float-format*, *read-base*, *read-suppress*, *package*, *read-eval*.
read signals an error of type end-of-file, regardless of eof-error-p, if the file ends in the middle of an object representation. For example, if a file does not contain enough right parentheses to balance the left parentheses in it, read signals an error. This is detected when read or read-preserving-whitespace is called with recursive-p and eof-error-p non-nil, and end-of-file is reached before the beginning of an object.
If eof-error-p is true, an error of type end-of-file is signaled at the end of file.
section peek-char [Function] , section read-char [Function] , section unread-char [Function] , section read-from-string [Function] , section read-delimited-list [Function] , section parse-integer [Function] , {section Syntax}, {section Reader Concepts}
char {&optional input-stream recursive-p} => list
char---a character.
input-stream---an input stream designator. The default is standard input.
recursive-p---a generalized boolean. The default is false.
list---a list of the objects read.
read-delimited-list reads objects from input-stream until the next character after an object's representation (ignoring whitespace_2 characters and comments) is char.
read-delimited-list looks ahead at each step for the next non-whitespace_2 character and peeks at it as if with peek-char. If it is char, then the character is consumed and the list of objects is returned. If it is a constituent or escape character, then read is used to read an object, which is added to the end of the list. If it is a macro character, its reader macro function is called; if the function returns a value, that value is added to the list. The peek-ahead process is then repeated.
If recursive-p is true, this call is expected to be embedded in a higher-level call to read or a similar function.
It is an error to reach end-of-file during the operation of read-delimited-list.
The consequences are undefined if char has a syntax type of whitespace_2 in the current readtable.
(read-delimited-list #\{]}) 1 2 3 4 5 6 {]} => (1 2 3 4 5 6)
Suppose you wanted #{{a b c ... z}} to read as a list of all pairs of the elements a, b, c, ..., z, for example.
#{p q z a} reads as ((p q) (p z) (p a) (q z) (q a) (z a))
This can be done by specifying a macro-character definition for #{ that does two things: reads in all the items up to the }, and constructs the pairs. read-delimited-list performs the first task.
(defun |#{-reader| (stream char arg) (declare (ignore char arg)) (mapcon #'(lambda (x) (mapcar #'(lambda (y) (list (car x) y)) (cdr x))) (read-delimited-list #\} stream t))) => |#{-reader| (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\{ #'|#{-reader|) => T (set-macro-character #\} (get-macro-character #\) nil))
Note that true is supplied for the recursive-p argument.
It is necessary here to give a definition to the character } as well to prevent it from being a constituent. If the line
(set-macro-character #\} (get-macro-character #\) nil))
shown above were not included, then the } in
#{ p q z a}
would be considered a constituent character, part of the symbol named a}. This could be corrected by putting a space before the }, but it is better to call set-macro-character.
Giving } the same definition as the standard definition of the character ) has the twin benefit of making it terminate tokens for use with read-delimited-list and also making it invalid for use in any other context. Attempting to read a stray } will signal an error.
*standard-input*, *readtable*, *terminal-io*.
@xref{read; read-preserving-whitespace} , section peek-char [Function] , section read-char [Function] , section unread-char [Function] .
read-delimited-list is intended for use in implementing reader macros. Usually it is desirable for char to be a terminating macro character so that it can be used to delimit tokens; however, read-delimited-list makes no attempt to alter the syntax specified for char by the current readtable. The caller must make any necessary changes to the readtable syntax explicitly.
string {&optional eof-error-p eof-value
{&key} start end preserve-whitespace}
=> object, position
string---a string.
eof-error-p---a generalized boolean. The default is true.
eof-value---an object.
The default is nil.
start, end---bounding index designators of string. The defaults for start and end are 0 and nil, respectively.
preserve-whitespace---a generalized boolean. The default is false.
object---an object (parsed by the Lisp reader) or the eof-value.
position---an integer greater than or equal to zero, and less than or equal to one more than the length of the string.
Parses the printed representation of an object from the subsequence of string bounded by start and end, as if read had been called on an input stream containing those same characters.
If preserve-whitespace is true, the operation will preserve whitespace_2 as read-preserving-whitespace would do.
If an object is successfully parsed, the primary value, object, is the object that was parsed. If eof-error-p is false and if the end of the substring is reached, eof-value is returned.
The secondary value, position, is the index of the first character in the bounded string that was not read. The position may depend upon the value of preserve-whitespace. If the entire string was read, the position returned is either the length of the string or one greater than the length of the string.
(read-from-string " 1 3 5" t nil :start 2) => 3, 5 (read-from-string "(a b c)") => (A B C), 7
If the end of the supplied substring occurs before an object can be read, an error is signaled if eof-error-p is true. An error is signaled if the end of the substring occurs in the middle of an incomplete object.
@xref{read; read-preserving-whitespace} , read-preserving-whitespace
The reason that position is allowed to be beyond the length of the string is to permit (but not require) the implementation to work by simulating the effect of a trailing delimiter at the end of the bounded string. When preserve-whitespace is true, the position might count the simulated delimiter.
readtable => mode
(setf ( readtable-case
readtable) mode)
readtable---a readtable.
mode---a case sensitivity mode.
Accesses the readtable case of readtable, which affects the way in which the Lisp Reader reads symbols and the way in which the Lisp Printer writes symbols.
See section Examples of Effect of Readtable Case on the Lisp Reader and section Examples of Effect of Readtable Case on the Lisp Printer.
Should signal an error of type type-error if readtable is not a readtable. Should signal an error of type type-error if mode is not a case sensitivity mode.
section readtable [System Class] , *print-escape*, section Reader Algorithm, section Effect of Readtable Case on the Lisp Reader, section Effect of Readtable Case on the Lisp Printer
copy-readtable copies the readtable case of the readtable.
object => generalized-boolean
object---an object.
generalized-boolean---a generalized boolean.
Returns true if object is of type readtable; otherwise, returns false.
(readtablep *readtable*) => true (readtablep (copy-readtable)) => true (readtablep '*readtable*) => false
(readtablep object) == (typep object 'readtable)
disp-char sub-char {&optional readtable} => function
disp-char sub-char new-function {&optional readtable} => t
disp-char---a character.
sub-char---a character.
readtable---a readtable designator.
The default is the current readtable.
function---a function designator or nil.
new-function---a function designator.
set-dispatch-macro-character causes new-function to be called when disp-char followed by sub-char is read. If sub-char is a lowercase letter, it is converted to its uppercase equivalent. It is an error if sub-char is one of the ten decimal digits.
set-dispatch-macro-character installs a new-function to be called when a particular dispatching macro character pair is read. New-function is installed as the dispatch function to be called when readtable is in use and when disp-char is followed by sub-char.
For more information about how the new-function is invoked, see section Macro Characters.
get-dispatch-macro-character retrieves the dispatch function associated with disp-char and sub-char in readtable.
get-dispatch-macro-character returns the macro-character function for sub-char under disp-char, or nil if there is no function associated with sub-char. If sub-char is a decimal digit, get-dispatch-macro-character returns nil.
(get-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\{) => NIL (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\{ ;dispatch on #{ #'(lambda(s c n) (let ((list (read s nil (values) t))) ;list is object after #n{ (when (consp list) ;return nth element of list (unless (and n (< 0 n (length list))) (setq n 0)) (setq list (nth n list))) list))) => T #{(1 2 3 4) => 1 #3{(0 1 2 3) => 3 #{123 => 123
If it is desired that #$foo : as if it were (dollars foo).
(defun |#$-reader| (stream subchar arg) (declare (ignore subchar arg)) (list 'dollars (read stream t nil t))) => |#$-reader| (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\$ #'|#$-reader|) => T
section Macro Characters
The readtable is modified.
For either function, an error is signaled if disp-char is not a dispatching macro character in readtable.
section readtable [System Class]
It is necessary to use make-dispatch-macro-character to set up the dispatch character before specifying its sub-characters.
char {&optional readtable} => function, non-terminating-p
char new-function {&optional non-terminating-p readtable} => t
char---a character.
non-terminating-p---a generalized boolean. The default is false.
readtable---a readtable designator.
The default is the current readtable.
function---nil, or a designator for a function of two arguments.
new-function---a function designator.
get-macro-character returns as its primary value, function, the reader macro function associated with char in readtable (if any), or else nil if char is not a macro character in readtable. The secondary value, non-terminating-p, is true if char is a non-terminating macro character; otherwise, it is false.
set-macro-character causes char to be a macro character associated with the reader macro function new-function (or the designator for new-function) in readtable. If non-terminating-p is true, char becomes a non-terminating macro character; otherwise it becomes a terminating macro character.
(get-macro-character #\{) => NIL, false (not (get-macro-character #\;)) => false
The following is a possible definition for the single-quote reader macro in standard syntax:
(defun single-quote-reader (stream char) (declare (ignore char)) (list 'quote (read stream t nil t))) => SINGLE-QUOTE-READER (set-macro-character #\' #'single-quote-reader) => T
Here single-quote-reader reads an object following the single-quote and returns a list of quote and that object. The char argument is ignored.
The following is a possible definition for the semicolon reader macro in standard syntax:
(defun semicolon-reader (stream char) (declare (ignore char)) ;; First swallow the rest of the current input line. ;; End-of-file is acceptable for terminating the comment. (do () ((char= (read-char stream nil #\Newline t) #\Newline))) ;; Return zero values. (values)) => SEMICOLON-READER (set-macro-character #\; #'semicolon-reader) => T
The readtable is modified.
section readtable [System Class]
to-char from-char {&optional to-readtable from-readtable} => t
to-char---a character.
from-char---a character.
to-readtable---a readtable. The default is the current readtable.
from-readtable---a readtable designator. The default is the standard readtable.
set-syntax-from-char makes the syntax of to-char in to-readtable be the same as the syntax of from-char in from-readtable.
set-syntax-from-char copies the syntax types of from-char. If from-char is a macro character, its reader macro function is copied also. If the character is a dispatching macro character, its entire dispatch table of reader macro functions is copied. The constituent traits of from-char are not copied.
A macro definition from a character such as " can be copied to another character; the standard definition for " looks for another character that is the same as the character that invoked it. The definition of ( can not be meaningfully copied to {, on the other hand. The result is that lists are of the form {a b c), not {a b c}, because the definition always looks for a closing parenthesis, not a closing brace.
(set-syntax-from-char #\7 #\;) => T 123579 => 1235
The to-readtable is modified.
The existing values in the from-readtable.
@xref{set-macro-character; get-macro-character} , section make-dispatch-macro-character [Function] , section Character Syntax Types
The constituent traits of a character are "hard wired" into the parser for extended tokens. For example, if the definition of S is copied to *, then * will become a constituent that is alphabetic_2 but that cannot be used as a short float exponent marker. For further information, see section Constituent Traits.
{form}{*} => {result}{*}
forms---an implicit progn.
results---the values returned by the forms.
Within the dynamic extent of the body of forms, all reader/printer control variables, including any implementation-defined ones not specified by this standard, are bound to values that produce standard read/print behavior. The values for the variables specified by this standard are listed in Figure 23--1.
[Reviewer Note by Barrett: *print-pprint-dispatch* should probably be mentioned here, too.]
Variable Value *package* The CL-USER package *print-array* t *print-base* 10 *print-case* :upcase *print-circle* nil *print-escape* t *print-gensym* t *print-length* nil *print-level* nil *print-lines* nil *print-miser-width* nil *print-pprint-dispatch* The standard pprint dispatch table *print-pretty* nil *print-radix* nil *print-readably* t *print-right-margin* nil *read-base* 10 *read-default-float-format* single-float *read-eval* t *read-suppress* nil *readtable* The standard readtable
Figure 23--1: Values of standard control variables
(with-open-file (file pathname :direction :output) (with-standard-io-syntax (print data file))) ;;; ... Later, in another Lisp: (with-open-file (file pathname :direction :input) (with-standard-io-syntax (setq data (read file))))
a radix.
Controls the interpretation of tokens by read as being integers or ratios.
The value of *read-base*, called the current input base @IGindex{current input base} , is the radix in which integers and ratios are to be read by the Lisp reader. The parsing of other numeric types (e.g., floats) is not affected by this option.
The effect of *read-base* on the reading of any particular rational number can be locally overridden by explicit use of the #O, #X, #B, or #nR syntax or by a trailing decimal point.
(dotimes (i 6) (let ((*read-base* (+ 10. i))) (let ((object (read-from-string "(\\DAD DAD |BEE| BEE 123. 123)"))) (print (list *read-base* object))))) |> (10 (DAD DAD BEE BEE 123 123)) |> (11 (DAD DAD BEE BEE 123 146)) |> (12 (DAD DAD BEE BEE 123 171)) |> (13 (DAD DAD BEE BEE 123 198)) |> (14 (DAD 2701 BEE BEE 123 227)) |> (15 (DAD 3088 BEE 2699 123 258)) => NIL
Altering the input radix can be useful when reading data files in special formats.
one of the atomic type specifiers short-float, single-float, double-float, or long-float, or else some other type specifier defined by the implementation to be acceptable.
The symbol single-float.
Controls the floating-point format that is to be used when reading a floating-point number that has no exponent marker or that has e or E for an exponent marker. Other exponent markers explicitly prescribe the floating-point format to be used.
The printer uses *read-default-float-format* to guide the choice of exponent markers when printing floating-point numbers.
(let ((*read-default-float-format* 'double-float)) (read-from-string "(1.0 1.0e0 1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0L0)")) => (1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0) ;Implementation has float format F. => (1.0 1.0 1.0s0 1.0 1.0 1.0) ;Implementation has float formats S and F. => (1.0d0 1.0d0 1.0 1.0 1.0d0 1.0d0) ;Implementation has float formats F and D. => (1.0d0 1.0d0 1.0s0 1.0 1.0d0 1.0d0) ;Implementation has float formats S, F, D. => (1.0d0 1.0d0 1.0 1.0 1.0d0 1.0L0) ;Implementation has float formats F, D, L. => (1.0d0 1.0d0 1.0s0 1.0 1.0d0 1.0L0) ;Implementation has formats S, F, D, L.
a generalized boolean.
If it is true, the #. reader macro has its normal effect. Otherwise, that reader macro signals an error of type reader-error.
If *read-eval* is false and *print-readably* is true, any method for print-object that would output a reference to the #. reader macro either outputs something different or signals an error of type print-not-readable.
a generalized boolean.
This variable is intended primarily to support the operation of the read-time conditional notations #+ and #-. It is important for the reader macros which implement these notations to be able to skip over the printed representation of an expression despite the possibility that the syntax of the skipped expression may not be entirely valid for the current implementation, since #+ and #- exist in order to allow the same program to be shared among several Lisp implementations (including dialects other than Common Lisp) despite small incompatibilities of syntax.
If it is false, the Lisp reader operates normally.
If the value of *read-suppress* is true, read, read-preserving-whitespace, read-delimited-list, and read-from-string all return a primary value of nil when they complete successfully; however, they continue to parse the representation of an object in the normal way, in order to skip over the object, and continue to indicate end of file in the normal way. Except as noted below, any standardized reader macro_2 that is defined to read_2 a following object or token will do so, but not signal an error if the object read is not of an appropriate type or syntax. The standard syntax and its associated reader macros will not construct any new objects (e.g., when reading the representation of a symbol, no symbol will be constructed or interned).
No matter what the value of *read-suppress*, parentheses still continue to delimit and construct lists; the #( notation continues to delimit vectors; and comments, strings, and the single-quote and backquote notations continue to be interpreted properly. Such situations as '), #<, #), and #<Space> continue to signal errors.
(let ((*read-suppress* t)) (mapcar #'read-from-string '("#(foo bar baz)" "#P(:type :lisp)" "#c1.2" "#.(PRINT 'FOO)" "#3AHELLO" "#S(INTEGER)" "#*ABC" "#\GARBAGE" "#RALPHA" "#3R444"))) => (NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL)
@xref{read; read-preserving-whitespace} , {section Syntax}
Programmers and implementations that define additional macro characters are strongly encouraged to make them respect *read-suppress* just as standardized macro characters do. That is, when the value of *read-suppress* is true, they should ignore type errors when reading a following object and the functions that implement dispatching macro characters should tolerate nil as their infix parameter value even if a numeric value would ordinarily be required.
a readtable.
A readtable that conforms to the description of Common Lisp syntax in section Syntax.
The value of *readtable* is called the current readtable. It controls the parsing behavior of the Lisp reader, and can also influence the Lisp printer (e.g., see the function readtable-case).
(readtablep *readtable*) => true (setq zvar 123) => 123 (set-syntax-from-char #\z #\' (setq table2 (copy-readtable))) => T zvar => 123 (setq *readtable* table2) => #<READTABLE> zvar => VAR (setq *readtable* (copy-readtable nil)) => #<READTABLE> zvar => 123
compile-file, load
section compile-file [Function] , section load [Function] , section readtable [System Class] , section The Current Readtable
reader-error, parse-error, stream-error, error, serious-condition, condition, t
The type reader-error consists of error conditions that are related to tokenization and parsing done by the Lisp reader.
@xref{read; read-preserving-whitespace} , section stream-error-stream [Function] , section Reader Concepts
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