Peer-reviewed journal papers

  1. Hausdorff measure estimates for the degenerate quenching problem (with D.J. Araújo and J.M. Urbano), submitted.
  2. A free boundary problem with fractional diffusion (with D. Marcon), submitted.
  3. The fractional Laplacian: a primer, Coimbra Mathematical Texts, Springer Cham, to appear.
  4. Interacting free boundaries in obstacle problems (with D.J. Araújo), to appear in Interfaces Free Bound.
  5. Fully nonlinear dead-core systems (with D.J. Araújo), J. Functional Analysis 287 (2024), 110586.
  6. Sharp regularity for singular obstacle problems (with D.J. Araújo and V. Voskanyan), Math. Ann. 387 (2023), 1367-1401.
  7. An optimal Liouville theorem for the porous medium equation (with D.J. Araújo), Arch. Math. (Basel) 118 (2022), 427-433.
  8. Reaction-diffusion equations for the infinity Laplacian (with N. Diehl), Nonlinear Anal. 199 (2020), 111956, 12pp.
  9. Fully nonlinear integro-differential equations with deforming kernels (with L. Caffarelli and J.M. Urbano), Comm. Partial Differential Equations 45 (2020), 847-871.
  10. Singularly perturbed fully nonlinear parabolic equations and their asymptotic free boundaries (with G.C. Ricarte and J.M. Urbano), Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 35 (2019), 1535-1558.
  11. Sharp regularity estimates for quasilinear evolution equations (with M.D. Amaral, J.V. da Silva and G.C. Ricarte), Israel J. Math. 231 (2019), 25-45.
  12. Homogenization of obstacle problems in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces (with D. Marcon and J.F. Rodrigues), Port. Math. 75 (2018), 267-283.
  13. A free boundary optimization problem for the -Laplacian (with J.M. Urbano), J. Differential Equations 263 (2017), 1140-1159.
  14. Cavity type problems ruled by infinity Laplacian operator (with G.C. Ricarte and J.V. Silva), J. Differential Equations 262 (2017), 2135-2157.
  15. Optimal design problems with fractional diffusions (with E.V. Teixeira), J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2) 92 (2015), 338-352.
  16. On the regularity of the free boundary for quasilinear obstacle problems (with S. Challal, A. Lyaghfouri and J.F. Rodrigues), Interfaces Free Bound. 16 (2014), 359-394.
  17. On the two obstacles problem in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces and applications (with J.F. Rodrigues), Complex Var. Elliptic Equ. 56 (2011), 769-787.
  18. A one-phase parabolic problem with a free boundary in a convex ring (with M. Poghosyan), J. Contemp. Math. Anal. 44 (2009), 192-204.

  19. PhD thesis: Obstacle type problems in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces, University of Lisbon, UT Austin | Portugal CoLab program, 2013.