This window it's,
without any doubt, one of the most importants in the entire program, since that
all the calculation are based in the date and time choosen here.
The user have the
possibility of, beside choose the date
and time,
to know the Julian Day
the Apparent Mean Sideral Time in Greenwich
and the Dynamical Time
with a simple movement of the mouse pointer.
The user only have to move his pointer of the mouse over the three boxs (Julian
Day,...) and the correponding values will appear.
To choose the date you
can go by two ways. In the first case you must place the pointer over the day,
month and year and press the keys from the keypad untill get the desire value.
The other method will
be to press the arrow
near the
date box. After pressing it a monthly calendar should appear and you can
navigate using the arrows
To choose the time,
you only have to press the arrows
near the hours, minutes and seconds boxs.