Beside the Coordinates
and Apparent Movement groups (seer Moon)
here you can find two more groups regarding to mean values for each planet and
some miscellaneous data..
To know the
results, the user must first select the desire planet, using the listbox
in the top right of the window (by choosing a planet, beside the
calculations, you will see his photo).
• Mean Values:
In this group you can
see mean values for the planet density, gravit and mass. This values are
constants you cannot use this values for calculations, this values are only for
the user have a vision for each planet.
The planet mass it's
given regardind to the mass of the Earth (Me)
and to the mass of the Sun (Ms).
Planet general
This group are made of the general data
for the planet (in that moment). The results are they Distance to the Earth and to the Sun
in astronomical units, the Apparent Diameter
(and semidiameter) of the planet, the Horizontal Parallax,
the Illuminated Fraction of the Disk
and the Apparent Magnitude.