Eclipses Window



    Most of the people not really linked to the astronomy see the (Solar) Eclipses as the most important events of all. In this window, the user will be able to know the Solar and Lunar Eclipses in a desired place, during all the year.


    Beside the information above, this window let's the user choose the date and location, and then shows the new moons for that year, also as the Lunar and Solar Eclipses for that year in that place and even the way that all Solar Eclipses have in the entire globe during that year.



    In the Lunar Eclipses group, you can find all the Lunar Eclipses that will occur in the desired year in that place, also sa the type of the eclise and the time when it will be maximum.



    Regarding to the Solar Eclipses, and since these are more importants (at least at a civil way) you can find the datefor the occur, the typ of eclipse, the magnitude, the time that it will be maximum and even the differnt contacts. In the next image you should see the result that should appear if you choose the year of “2000” and the location of “Coimbra, Obs. Ast.



    It's important to take in count the result for magnitude, since two values appear. The first one it's regarding to diference between the Moon and Sun apparent radius, the second one it's regarding to the obscured area of the Sun. In the example above, you can see that the Moon's diameter it's 86% (100-14) less than the diameter of the Sun, wich results in 6% of obscured Sun's area.



    Regarding to the Solar Eclipses Central Line you will find the following group:



    In this group is a list of all the locations that the shadow (the central point of the shadow) will be pass (latitude and longitude), also as the date and the type of eclipse a data a que ocorre o evento e tipo de eclipse no respectivo momento. Por defeito EfeCalc calcula estes valores de três em três miat that moment. Another item is the Increment, the user can change this value (in minutes) to have more or less detail.


    However, if the user want to see where the shadow will be passing, in an atlas, it's possible to draw the graphic of the central line over a map. The only thing that the user have to make it's click on the Map button on the right (the item Increment also is important for the drawing, since that the program will draw the curve with so many points it have in the central line lists. So a smaller increment results in a better graphic).



    • Map Window


    In this window a map will appear with some lines over it. That curves are the passage of the central line of all the eclipses (in the choosen year) over the globe. The yellow curve are the Annulars Eclipses and the red ones are the Totals. If the user want to see more closer to the map, it's enough to move the pointer over the map and a thumbnail (zoomed) appear in the right corner. This zoomed thumbnail can be more zoomed or less, using the buttons "+" and "-". When moving the pointer over the map, the latitude and longitude of the place appear in the left corner.


    Since this map are very precise and also pretty to show, EfeCalc gives the possibility to print it or capture it and save it as an image (see Capture Image in Calendar), making it avaiable to send it by email or even to be putted in a webpage.




















